LR1. Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2a)
The course boundary and Internal Out of Bounds areas are defined by white painted stakes and/or fence posts. The boundary edge is defined by the line between the course-side points of the stakes/posts at ground level (excluding angled supports), and such stakes or fence posts are themselves out of bounds and must not be lifted or moved.
Whilst playing the 9th/18th hole, a ball coming to rest on or over the driveway and/or carpark area is out of bounds, even if it comes to rest on another part of the course that is in bounds for other holes.
LR2. Practice on the Course - Stroke-play events (Rule 5.2b)
Players in 18 hole stroke-play competitions must not practise on the course before a round on that day. For clarity an ‘Alternate Day’ is regarded as a different day to the main competition. Entrants in 9 hole competitions may practise on the course before their round, but they are not permitted to use only the 9th/18th hole for that purpose.
LR3. Ground Under Repair (Rule 16.1)
GUR is defined by any area marked with a white line or such other areas as the Committee may define from time to time (e.g. areas of unusual damage to the course as a result of extreme weather). Areas of bare earth are not to be treated as GUR unless defined as such.
LR4. Immovable Obstructions (Rule 16.1)
Within the boundaries of the course, all man-made fixtures are deemed immovable obstructions. This includes constructed tracks and paths but excludes tractor marks and drainage channels unless the ball is clearly sitting on exposed gravel, stones or concrete or such stonework interferes with a player’s stance or the area of their intended swing.
If a fixed sprinkler head is within two club-lengths of the green edge and on a players line, they may take relief as long as their ball lies on an area cut to fairway height or less and is within two club-lengths of the obstruction. (Model Local Rule F-5.1)
LR5. No Play Zones (Rule 16.1f)
Young Trees
Young Trees (staked or marked by white bands) are no play zones. Players must take free relief under Rule 16.1b if their ball lies on or touches such trees or their protective barriers or if they interfere with the player's stance or area of intended swing. There is no relief from such trees or their barriers solely because of line of sight interference.
Island on 4th/13th
The island in the middle of the pond is a no play zone. Balls landing there must be deemed lost in the hazard and must not be retrieved. Relief with the normal one stroke penalty applicable for such areas must be applied. (Rule 17.1e)
LR6. Temporary Greens Rule 13.1f
Any temporary green marked on the course should be treated as a wrong green and relief must be taken if it is not in use. If a frost green is in play that hole’s normal green becomes a wrong green and appropriate relief must be taken.
LR7. Use of Artificial Teeing Grounds
If an artificial teeing ground is in play on any hole players must play their tee shot with their ball placed on or teed up on that artificial surface. Players must not play their tee shot on normal ground behind the artificial tee even if that area is within two club lengths of the tee markers.
LR8. Suspension of Play (Rule 5.7b)
An immediate suspension of play for a dangerous situation will be signalled by one prolonged note of the siren. All play must cease immediately in that circumstance.
Temporary LR 1. Ground Under Repair (Rule 16.1)
Holes 1/10 and 2/11 - Any ball which lies in an area where it is evident that substantial disturbance has been caused to the ground due to the movement of heavy vehicles may be treated as a ball in GUR. This also applies to lost balls in said areas as long as it is known or virtually certain that the ball lies within that area.
Hole 9/18 - The ditch on the 9th/18th fairway to the right of the bridge parapet is declared a temporary Abnormal Ground Condition. Any ball which lies inside said ditch and is sitting below the level of the surrounding fairway may be treated as a ball in GUR. This also applies to lost balls in said ditch as long as it is known or virtually certain that the ball lies within that area
Temporary LR 2. All play (Competition and General Play) between 1st November 2024 and 28th March 2025
All players must carry and use a protective ‘mat’ (or device designed for such situations) and the following procedure will apply:
When a player’s ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, and a putter is not being used for the stroke, the ball must be lifted, placed on and played from said ‘mat’. The mat must be placed not nearer the hole and as near as possible to where the ball originally lay, and the ball must be placed on the mat. The ball may be cleaned when lifted. If a tee is used to secure the mat the tee must not be used to tee up the ball.
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a
Temporary LR 3. No Play Zone (Rule 16.1f)
Hole 2/11 - Until they are made open for play, the newly constructed teeing grounds in their entirety are no play zones. Players must take free relief under Rule 16.1b if their ball lies on or touches those areas or if they interfere with the player's stance or area of intended swing.